Wednesday 26 October 2011

The Beginning

Well this is day one and the beginning of my blog.  I have never done a blog before so please be patient with me.  

I am a 40 year old single mom who has suffered from anxiety and depression since I was a child.  I have had three back surgeries and spent more of my life in bed than anywhere else.  About 6 months ago my daughter mentioned a book she was reading by Nikki Sixx called The Heroin Diaries.  I decided that since I had always liked Motley Crue I would read it.  It was truly amazing!  Shortly after that Nikki came out with another book called This Is Gonna Hurt and I read it as soon as it came out.  I have to say no matter who you are, where you live or what you do the outlook that Nikki gives in this book will inspire you.  The second book marked the beginning of my decision to change my life.

While I was reading the book an old high school friend of mine sent me a message on Facebook asking me if I wanted to have a look at some products that she was selling.  I hadn`t even heard from her in over 15 years, but I said sure, and she dropped off a basket of stuff called Scentsy for me to look at.  To be very honest it sat in my laundry room for over a week when she called me back to see when she could pick it up.  I figured I better check it out before she came to get it.

I dragged myself out of bed and went and got the box.  I brought it in my room to see what this was all about.  As soon as I opened the box it smelled amazing.  So I spent the next few hours going through it.  There were wax warmers and a box of wax samples.  I smelled each and every one, they were incredible and the scents were bringing up all kinds of memories.  It was really quite an experience!  I ended up calling my mom over to check it out with me and we were both so intrigued that we placed orders for both warmers and wax.

My friend came and picked up the box and the orders and then I sort of forgot about it. lol  She probably wouldn`t want to hear me say that but you have to remember that I had been so depressed for so long that it was going to take more than a box of wax to change me.

When the order came in I kinda got excited about it.  I plugged in the warmers and put some wax in and then went back to bed.  When I woke up the smell of the wax was unbelievable.  It was then that I knew I was addicted haha.  Great something else to spend what little money I had on!!!

At that point I got the e-book version of This Is Gonna Hurt and listened to Nikki Sixx read to me each night as I fell asleep.  Something about his voice was soothing to me and the things he was saying struck a chord in me that was different than reading the book.  I noticed that each morning I felt a bit more like getting out of bed and doing something.

By the end of the book I realized what a waste my life had become and what a horrible influence I was on my daughter and her life.  I made a conscious decision to do better.  Now I just had to figure out how I was going to go about that.  (coffee break)


Did I mention that its 4:30 am and I have not slept at night in months?  Anyway, a couple of weeks after I got my Scentsy order my friend called me to see how I liked everything.  I told her that it was amazing and to let me know when she was putting in another order because I wanted more and so did my mom.  She told me that she was looking for people to join her team and sell it.  I told her about my anxiety and depression and that it would be way out of my comfort zone to do something like that.  She told me I didn`t have to do parties or go to people`s houses or anything but that I could just send out baskets like she had done with me and it would help fund my habit.  I told her I would think about it.

I decided that I should call my mom (she has been my best friend my entire life) and see what she thought.  Right away she said oh if you sell it I can buy from you, and that she would have people over if I wanted help with having a party.

I got home and REALLY had some thinking to do.  On one hand I wanted desperately to change my life even if only for my daughter and my mom (who had been pushing me for years to do something...anything) and on the other had I didn`t really want to get out of bed long enough to do was a very scary thought!

I did some long hard thinking on the matter and decided that since I really did love the product and the start up kit was only $119 and it was worth way more than that just for the products I would get that I would sign up.  But I was not making anyone any promises about what I would do with it.  Then I climbed back into bed...

I`ve probably bored you enough for one morning so I will come back soon and continue with my story.  Thanks for reading!